The application code

Here, I'll run through how I actually wrote the code deployed to the server

First, on the host machine, I needed a few libraries. From the node download page, I got npm which allowed me to install all subsequent libraries. The libraries I needed were: Express, Docker, and bcrypt, md5, and mongodb

To install docker, install the community edition on a computer running windows 1- pro, Linux, or MacOS. For the rest of the libraries run the following commands

$ npm install -g express
$ npm install -g md5
$ npm install -g mongo
$ npm install -g bcrypt

To initialize the project use

$ npm init

From here I started coding assuming that the application would be in the container. The code in the backend can be found here

You may need to login to docker through the api

In the folder I then ran the docker commands

# This specifies the tag that will be used for the docker container and the location to look for
$ sudo docker build -t guydw/eggchatbackend .

And then I pushed it up to the cloud using the docker push command

$ sudo docker push guydw/eggchatbackend

After this I could redeploy the code on the server

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